Excerpts“Excerpts for Review” C Caleb Burge (The Fulness of the Godhead Dwelling in Christ) Calvin's Conduct Calvin the Persecutor Callistus Callistus Bishop of Rome Capitalism Changing a Bad Man Into a Good Man Charitable Habits Chess Christ Is Not An Emanation Christianity Christianity or Evolution Christian Worldview Christians Must Abhor Some Things Christians Must Do Their Duty Claims for Supreme Affection Clearness is Better Than a Thousand Arguments Come to Beulah Land Comments of Prominent Men on the Deity of Jesus Christ Commitment Common Sense Comprehension Compulsory State Schools Conditions Confusion Among the Prophets Contradictory and Contrary Contraries Are Not Self-Contradictory Covenantor Covenants Covenants Conversion Conversion is a Change of Heart Conviction Cosmic Chemistry Counseling Courage Creating Value Creation Creeds Are Private Interpretations Crossing the Rubicon Crucifixion