

 “Walter M. Montano, at one time a priest and later Secretary of State for the government of Bolivia, recounts an experience that took place in a classroom of his seminary. One of the students inquired of the teacher why the popes today have riches and power, when Christ and the apostles were so poor. The priest turned on the young man and informed him savagely that this was a matter of faith that he was not to question. Then he picked up a yellow-backed book and held it up for all the class to see. He informed the students that even though the book appeared to them to be yellow, if the Catholic Church said it was black, then the book was black.”

(John B. Wilder, The Shadow of Rome, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1960, 11)

Thought Control

“Not only are Catholic laymen subjected to a rigid thought control, but the same measures, even to a greater extent, are applied in the training of a priest. Appearing at first glance to be highly educated men, the fact is that priests have been brought up in such mental seclusion that they may have little real knowledge of conditions that have existed and still exist in the world. Their study books have been straightly censored and their teachers have been careful to keep from the seminary student any facts that might reflect on the greatness of Rome. Thus the young priest begins his ministry with a sadly inadequate and twisted view of things on earth as they really are.”

(John B. Wilder, The Shadow of Rome, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1960, 10-11)