

 There are many warnings in the Bible about deception, and the most frequent is that the human mind can be deceived. The world’s history of sin and its horrible consequences began by Satan deceiving a human mind about the plain meaning of something God had said. Most of the false doctrines in Christendom today are distortions of Biblical truths.

Many of the tragedies of all church history were caused by interpreters who perverted the meaning of what “God hath said.” And deceptive reasonings and teachings will continue to lead multitudes astray until the end. This is evident from Revelation 12:9, where Satan is “that old serpent… which deceiveth the whole world.” The true meaning of Scripture will be an issue in the endtime world delusion. Apostate Christendom will accept the Bible but not in the sense that God gave it.

(Guy Duty, Christ’s Coming and the World Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany Fellowship, Inc., 1971, 106)