Earnestness (Pink)
Though the writer has passed the sixtieth milestone of life and completed a quarter of a century’s hard but happy work on this magazine, yet he feels that “Go forward” (Exo 14:15) is the Lord’s clamant word unto him at this time. If he should have acquired any laurels, he certainly does not wish to rest upon them; nor does he―while health and strength are granted―intend to moderate his own studies or relax in his efforts. It has long been his desire to wear out rather than rust out; or, to express it in Scripture language, to “very gladly spend and be spent” (2Co 12:15) in endeavouring to serve the Lord and minister to His beloved people. Nor could he warrantably look for any measure of realizing that desire if he slackened; rather should he seek to “Go forward” with increased earnestness and diligence―“redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph 5:16). The more evil the days, the grander the opportunity for proving the sufficiency of God’s grace, and the greater the privilege in serving His children.
(Arthur Pink, Studies in the Scriptures, Annual Volume 1947, Vol. XXVI, E-Book, Loc 144 of 7853)