Evidential Apologetics
(Excerpted from Many Infallible Proofs: Evidences for the Christian Faith by Henry M. Morris with Henry M. Morris III, 2002, ebook)
“The purpose of this book is to survey in systematic and comprehensive fashion the ‘many infallible proofs’ of the unique truth and authority of biblical Christianity, together with a refutation of its alleged fallacies and a reconciliation of its alleged discrepancies. It will be seen that, not only is there no mistake or contradiction in the Bible, but also there are innumerable evidences of its divine inspiration and authority. Not only are there no legitimate objections to a true Christian theology, but rather there are overwhelming evidences that Christianity is uniquely and completely true.” (Loc 77 of 8264)
“Christianity stands or falls upon the objective reality of gigantic supernatural events in history and the evidences that they really happened. This fact in itself is an evidence of its truth.” (Loc 77 of 8264)
“The terms “apologetics” and “evidences,” as they relate to the Christian faith, are often used more or less interchangeably. In the formal sense, however, the first is the broader of the two terms as understood by theologians. Apologetics involves the systematic scientific defense of the Christian faith in all its aspects against the intellectual attacks of its adversaries. There are various philosophical systems of apologetics, each attempting to build a logical defense of Christianity upon its own specific or implied presuppositions.” (Loc 88 of 8264)
“That aspect of apologetics which is more positive and objective, setting forth concrete reasons for accepting the Bible as God’s word and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is what is commonly understood as the field of Christian evidences.” (Loc 88 of 8264)
“Nevertheless, paraphrasing C.S. Lewis, the only really important question is not whether it works, but whether it’s true! The criteria of feeling and personal satisfaction are highly unreliable as indices of truth. There are many false systems of belief (e.g., Christian Science, Spiritism, Buddhism, etc.—even Communism!) whose adherents often profess to have found real peace and satisfaction through submission to them, but this fact hardly proves that all such diverse and contradictory systems are therefore true! Thus there is a clear need for criteria by which to establish the unique validity of biblical Christianity. A credulous faith in some artificial “Christ” of one’s own imagination, rather than in the real Christ of biblical history, is not that faith by which men are saved.” (Loc 107 of 8264)