Higher Education
“There is no other position to take as to the higher education. It is to be feared that in many of our State universities there is little if any religious influence. Sometimes there is a decidedly un-religious drift; so much so as not only not to establish but absolutely unsettle whatever religious faith the student previously enjoyed, and send him adrift an agnostic, with doubts darkening life here and hereafter. Now, what are the facts? You cannot study man and his works well apart from God. Every truth in human philosophy is the echo of God in the soul, and pure mathematics is God’s truth, an outcome of His own eternal thought. You can no more teach history well without noting the finger-marks of God on the scroll . . .”
(The Pacific Coast Pulpit, Edited by D. Hanson Irwin, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1893, 110; Exerpted from the Chapter Entitled Where to Throw Your Salt, Or ‘Healing the Springs’ by Thomas C. Easton, Pastor of Calvary Church, San Francisco, California)