
 Ignorance of God

 “…because the great mass at least of people are not worshipping the one true God. They instead are worshipping a god formed out of their own hearts by their own flesh, satanic devices, and worldly intelligence. They have made a god just like themselves—and he looks more like Santa Claus than he does Jehovah. There can be no fear of the Lord among us, because there is no knowledge of the Lord among us!”

(Paul Washer, Ten Indictments against the Modern Church, ebook, Loc 167 of 953)

“Do you know why all your Christian bookstores are filled up with self-help books, and five ways to do this or that, and six ways to be godly, and 10 ways not to fall?—because people don’t know God!”

(Paul Washer, Ten Indictments against the Modern Church, ebook, Loc 142 of 953)