Impacting The World
Impacting the World
How was it possible for Jesus to have such a colossal impact on the world when He lived for only 33 years and taught for a short three years in one small area of the world, an area that measured a mere 44 miles long and 25 miles wide? The answer? Discipleship. Jesus took a small band of 12 ordinary men and in three years trained and turned them into a force that shook the very foundations of the world. They were empowered by God’s Spirit and took the message of Jesus’ resurrection and His offer of forgiveness for sin to the ends of the earth.
Do you want to impact the world? Then discipleship must be key in your life as well. First, be His disciple. Ensure that His message and conduct take control of you. Follow Him without flinching. Extend His forgiveness to others. Live in a way that draws others to Him. Then be available to spend time with others who also desire to be Jesus’ disciples. Wherever you live and work, you can have an impact. Speak of the Lord. Invite others to church. Spend time and form friendships. Teach those who want to learn more. And help them with their ministries.
(Jim George, Know Your Bible From A to Z: A Quick Handbook to the People, Places, and Things, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2013, 126-127; Excerpt from A Life Lesson from Jesus: Impacting the World)