…What religion, besides Judaism, ever predicted its own abrogation? It is one of the most significant facts of prophecy that the loftiest spirits in the nation were led to look for the dawning of larger truth, and for a more complete form of the Kingdom of God.
But when it is said that the Old Testament system is abrogated in the new, it is of capital importance to observe that the new replaces the old, not by destruction, but by fulfillment. The new does not reject and discard the old; it preserves and embodies it, just so far as it has elements of permanent value for the world’s religion. The fulfillment is therefore, an organic process; the new comes out of the old by a natural and orderly process of development. In that process what is unessential falls away of its own accord, while all that is essential and permanently useful is taken up into Christianity, more completely developed and applied, and reinforced by higher motives on the plane of broader principles.
(The International Theological Library, Charles A. Briggs, Stewart D. F. Salmond, Eds; George Barker Stevens, The Theology of the New Testament, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903; From Part I: The Teaching of Jesus According to the Synoptic Gospels; Chapter II (The Gospel and the Law), 23)