Miracles of The Bible
Miracles of the Bible
“A miracle is an act which transcends human powers of accomplishment and human ability of explanation. It is not an unnatural occurrence, but a supernatural one. At times it may be exactly like a natural event; but the conditions under which it takes place are such that we classify it as a miracle . . .”
(W. Arndt. Bible Difficulties: An Examination of Passages of the Bible Alleged to be Irreconcilable with Its Inspiration, St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing House, 1932, 17)
“If a person does not believe in a personal God who has made and who governs the universe, heaven and earth and all they contain, it is natural that he rejects the Scripture accounts of miracles. The atheist is consistent when he refuses to believe they can occur.”
(W. Arndt. Bible Difficulties: An Examination of Passages of the Bible Alleged to be Irreconcilable with Its Inspiration, St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing House, 1932, 18)