

 And this almost absolute neglect of the study of Prophecy has avenged itself. On account of it Christendom has sunk into the deplorable condition in which it is to-day. The denial of the inspiration of the Bible has become widespread. If Prophecy were intelligently studied such a denial could not flourish as it does, for Prophecy gives the clearest and most conclusive evidence, that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. Because the study of Prophecy has been set aside scepticism has come in. One of the most powerful answers to infidelity is Prophecy.

     The prophetic Word neglected leaves man ignorant of God’s plan and the future and man becomes the easy prey of lying inventions and delusive theories. For this reason we see about us among Christians an unscriptural optimism, which holds in theory and practice, the very opposite from what the Bible teaches; an optimism, which has no use for the solemn declarations of the Word, that this age is an evil age and that it will close with apostasy and judgement. All the present evil conditions, the denial of the faith, the indifference and worldliness of professing Christians are the result of ignoring Prophecy.

(A. C. Gaebelein, The Prophet Daniel: A Key to the Visions and Prophecies of the Book of Daniel, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1963; From Introduction, 3)

Prophecy (Guinness)

THE days in which we live have seen the growth of a godless materialism. Providence, by many, is denied. History, we are boldly taught, is but a blind evolution. The ages drift without an aim. In the “sure word of prophecy” we have a Divinely provided safeguard against this false philosophy. Prophecy is history written in advance. It unfolds with unerring wisdom not merely the facts of the future, but their underlying plan. It demonstrates Providence. It reveals the glorious truth that the history of the world is none other than the history of man’s redemption.

(Henry Grattan Guinness, The Divine Program of the World’s History, 1888, 8, E-Book; From Preface)