
 Social Utopianism

 A Deadly Goal

”Energizing most utopians is a militant atheism, a belief that a better society can be created on earth, perhaps through their own personal brilliance, than any deity could create. When the belief in man as a creation in the image of God is completely rejected, the use of slavery and mass execution can be justified in the name of the creation of a utopian state for the masses. Utopian tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot all shared a near-supernatural hatred of God and His creation, as if driven by satanic forces. They used the creation of a new, uniform humanity as an excuse to murder tens of millions of people collectively . . .”

”At the root of all the utopian planners seems to be the satanic logic that a human hand can replace the hand of God in determining the fate of humanity.”

(Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning by William. J. Murray, Washington, D.C.: WND Books, eBook, 2016, Loc 81 of 5894)