“Unfortunately, the truth behind 1 Corinthians 10:13 is poorly translated in most Bible versions. We usually read ‘no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man . . .’ Then we add that with temptation, God gives strength to overcome. However, the word translated ‘temptation’ can also be translated ‘test,’ and I’m convinced that’s the intended word or meaning in this text. Then we would read: You have been involved in no trials (tests) except those which are a part of the human situation. You can rely on God not to allow you to be tested beyond what you are able to cope with. No! When trial comes he will send along with it a way out, to enable you to bear it’ (Barclay). To live certainly in a world of uncertainty, means you must believe by faith that there isn’t anything God is going to allow to come upon you that he will not also supply strength to overcome.”
(Marvin Hein, The Ties That Bind: Moorings of a Life with God, Hillsboro, Kansas: Kindred Press, 1980, 11)