The Church of God
Paul addresses his letter to ”the church of God” in Corinth. With all its faults, frailties, and factions, it was still God’s church. It did not belong to Peter nor Paul nor Apollos.
God established the church and churches on the eternal Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ. He sustains it, he continues it. We do well to bear in mind always that it is God’s church, not yours, nor mine. We shall pass on. Others will take our places, but through the ages God’s church remains. How can God’s plans and purposes for his church best be served through us? This is a question that should ever have the prayerful consideration of each one of us!
(Millard J. Berquist, Studies in First Corinthians, Nashville, Tennessee: Convention Press, 1960, 13; From Chapter 2, Christian Unity – 1 Corinthians 1:1 to 2:16)