The Cross
“The Ark of the Covenant, constructed on the lines of dynamic symmetry, was the ordained vessel for the safekeeping of the Ten Commandments. Whenever the Israelites made camp in their marching through the wilderness they placed the Levite tribe in the center and in their midst raised the tabernacle, and in the Holy of Holies within the Tabernacle placed this sacred symbol of the soul of Israel— the Ark of the Covenant. As long as this rested at the heart and center of the nation all went well. Any nation that stole it found the curse of God was upon them, just as it falls on anyone who would appropriate another man’s divine plan for himself. The Ark of the Covenant thus became the sacred symbol of the Old Testament as the Cross has become the sacred symbol of the New Testament.”
(Glenn Clark, God’s Reach, St. Paul, Minnesota: Macalester Park Publishing Company, 1951, 108)