
 The Influence of Darwinism Upon Marxism

 In the last analysis, then, evolution is a religion that permits man to divest himself of concern for or responsibility to a divine Creator. It is not a science in any proper sense of the word at all. And the same must therefore be true for the system of evolutionary geology which both supports it and is supported by it…

It is not surprising, in view of the foregoing, that the system of evolution has been appropriated as the pseudo-scientific basis of every political or philosophical system of the past hundred years which has been opposed to Christianity, or even to theism in general. In particular this has been true of the various forms of modern “liberalism,” including socialism, fascism and communism.

The influence of Darwinism upon Marxism has been especially significant:

“Orthodox Marxian socialists in the early years of the twentieth century felt quite at home in Darwinian surroundings. Karl Marx himself; with his belief in universal ‘dialectical’ principles, had been as much a monist as Comte or Spencer. Reading The Origin of Species in 1860, he reported to Friedrich Engels, and later declared to Ferdinand LaSalle, that ‘Darwin’s book is very important, and serves me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history’ On the shelves of the socialist bookstores in Germany the works of Darwin and Marx stood side by side.”

(Henry M. Morris et al., A Symposium on Creation, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1973 [1968], 28-29: Excerpt from Chapter I, Science versus Scientism in Historical Geology by Henry M. Morris; Morris cites Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American Thought, New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1959, 115)