The Saved and the Lost
“According to the teaching of Christ and of the apostles, there are but two classes of human beings,— those who serve God, and those who serve Him not; the citizens of heaven and the citizens of the world; the saved and the lost.”
“This distinction the Scriptures insist upon as being real, vital, essential. All other principles of classification are represented as unimportant and superficial. Differences of wealth, of education, of race, of color— national and social distinctions— are of no account compared with this division between saints and sinners, between the friends of God and the enemies of God . . .”
(The Pacific Coast Pulpit, Edited by D. Hanson Irwin, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1893, 73; Exerpted from the Chapter Entitled The Sure Foundation, And Its Seal by Arthur Crosby)