
 The Theological Argument

The Theological Argument

This ancient argument entered the West through Plato’s dialogue,Timaeus. It argues that evidences of design and purpose in the universe require a universal Designer. The classical formulation of the argument was by William Paley (1743-1805). In hisNatural Theology(1802), he used the analogy of a working, ticking watch which is chanced upon lying on the ground. Its existence could be explained by a fortuitous convergence of natural forces, wind, rain, heat, volcanic action, etc., but this is plainly much less credible than the postulate of an intelligent watchmaker. By the same token a universe manifesting design implies a designer.

(Bruce Milne, Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief, Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Books, 1998, 69; Point #3 on The Rational ‘Proofs’ of God’s Existence)