There Is A Purpose To Life
I was taught in college that theories of evolution, particularly the Darwinian theory, natural selection, and chance, were responsible for my existence and the existence of every plant, person, and type of animal. In essence, life was an accident.
I was taught that the doctrine of uniformitarianism was the guiding geological principle in the history of the earth. There was no room for cataclysm…
In college, I sat in anthropology classes and listened to the way anthropologists, paleontologists, and other scientists of one name or another could take a tooth, a jawbone, or a portion of a skullcap determined to be of great age, and then build a model of some gigantic beast to fit the fragment. They even put fleshly and hairy exteriors on the products of their imaginations and sold it to the student as part of our heritage. I didn’t buy it…
Some things such as mathematical probabilities of chance, the laws of thermodynamics, the fossil record, and especially the possibility of creationism were not fairly or even at all discussed. I had trouble with that. Gradually a search for truth began in me…
The bottom line is that I am of the belief that we are not here by random chance, having accidentally evolved from a simple form such as unicellular organism. Accidents and random chance cannot be the Creator. I belief there is a purpose to life. I believe each of us have a purpose and we can fulfill it if we choose to ask for God’s guidance, believe, and take the appropriate action. Life was not built by accident, there is someone with a “blueprint.” We were created by purposeful design. “Chance” is not my God.
(Richard Carl Bright, Quest for Discovery: The Remarkable Search for Noah’s Ark, Green Forest, Arkansas: New Leaf Press, 2001, 14-15; Excerpt from Introduction)