

 “Stop saying all these silly things that you are saying, that the body of Christ is divided“When the priest went inside the Holy Place he was invisible to the people.
As he walked back and forth there was the sound of the golden bells.
By the sound of thise bells the people knew he was alive and acting before God on their behalf.
The golden bells gave forth thier sound by means of tongues.
Our Lord Jesus Christ left this world two thousand years ago.
During all that time He has been out of sight. He has been invisible to His Church. He is invisible today.
Everything for us who believe in Him depends on His being alive in Heaven. How do we know He is alive; how do we know He is in Heaven?
If He is the complete Antitype, the actual fulfillment of the typical priest, then He ought to give forth a testimony from the Holy Place in Heaven, a testimony equivalent to the sounding of the golden bells upon the robe of the high priest.
He has done so.
He did it on the day of Pentecost.
The disciples were gathered together in Jerusalem and waiting.
Suddenly there came from Heaven the sound of a mighty, rushing wind, tongues of fire were given to the disciples and they began to so speak that every man in the mixed multitude heard in his own tongue the wonderful works of God.”

(I. M. Haldeman, The Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings, Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revel Company, MCMXXV, 283-284), and that it is a mess and full of sin. I would not talk about the bride of Christ that way if I were you.”

“What you actually have in so many congregations today is a bunch of goats and tares among the sheep (Mat 25: 31-46; 13: 24-30). And because very little biblical, compassionate church discipline is practiced, they live among the sheep, they feed on the sheep, and they destroy the sheep. And those of you who are leaders in those churches are going to pay a high penalty when you stand before the One who loves them—because you did not have enough courage to stand up and confront the wicked.”

(Paul Washer, Ten Indictments against the Modern Church, ebook, Loc 518 of 953)