Trinity Doctrine
The Trinity cannot be substantiated
“Christian trinitarians believe there are three conscious personalities existing in one divine being or substance: the union in one God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three infinite, coequal and coeternal persons; one God in three persons. Many Christians acknowledge that the concept of the Trinity cannot be substantiated from the Jewish Scriptures.”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 194 of 1176)
The Trinity: A Speculative Theory
“The doctrine of the Trinity is the central and unique doctrine of the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians. Yet, in essence, this doctrine is nothing more than a speculative theory concerning the internal life and being of God.”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 180 of 1176)
The Trinity is a Mystery
“Although the Trinity doctrine has always been alleged to be a mystery, trinitarian theologians have not hesitated to try to clarify it.”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 169 of 1176)
Neoplatonic Influences
“Christian theology adopted and adapted Neoplatonic metaphysics as the departure point for interpreting the relationship of the ‘Father’to the ‘Son.’”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 122 of 1176)
Extra-Biblical Language: The Eternal Son
“By virtue of the identification of the pre-existent Jesus of Johannine and Pauline thought with the Greek concept of the Logos, Christian theology was led in a speculative direction when attempting to define the relation of the Logos, or eternal Son, to the divine origin, or Father. This led to an ever increasing number of theological speculations. The struggle between competing Christian theological notions in time led some to formulate the doctrine of the Trinity. It is usually and rightly said that there were many different Christianities all claiming to teach the true Christianity.”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 122 of 1176)
Triune Diety cannot be Established
“Inability to substantiate the Trinity doctrine from the Jewish Scriptures has led Christians to say the concept must be derived from the New Testament. However, the allegation of a triune deity cannot be established even from the New Testament (despite some trinitarian interpolations). Careful examination of the evidence presented to prove the existence of a triune deity based on Jewish or Christian Scriptures is found to be without substance.”
(Gerald Sigal, The Trinity: A Counterfeit Doctrine, 2013, ebook, Loc 194, 205 of 1176)
The Trinity
“One of this group of Lutherans was a persistent allegorizer Hunnius, who vigorously attacked Calvin in his Calvinus Judaizans (1595) for opening the way to Judaism and Arianism because of the impious manner in which he had corrupted the interpretation of Scripture. For example, Calvin in his comment on [Genesis 1:1] had dared to say that elohim, though a plural, did not refer to the Persons of the Holy Trinity: ‘[this interpretation] seems to me to have little solidity . . . readers should be warned against violent glosses.’”
(Ed. S. L. Greenslade, The Cambridge History of the Bible: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day, Cambridge University Press, 1978, 87)